Celebrate humor through daily jokes
It’s impossible to get rid of humor, it plays such an essential role in our lives. Humor was for a long time hated by psychologists, they saw it as a source of contempt, a way of being superior to others or a defense tactic to avoid displaying true feelings.
In an article published in The Conversation magazine, a professor of cognitive psychology explains how humor is beneficial for health. Janet Gibson reveals the benefits for mental activity. Getting those around you to laugh helps distribute well-being around you, a few moments of laughing every day makes it easier to bring people together and reduces stress. Nothing like a good bad joke to make the gang laugh.
Writing jokes is an art
Writing jokes calls on the cognitive abilities of the brain. In fact, from writing to understanding the joke of the day, there are three distinct stages. First, you imagine the unfolding of the uncle's joke, then you have to understand the incongruity and finally, make the connection between the initial situation which is not funny and the humor during the fall. Sometimes jokes don't make you laugh. They can have a sexist or racist side. In addition, you have to be able to analyze the context and eliminate anything that is not funny. Here, the Beep Beep and Coyote cartoon looks violent. But if you eliminate the sudden atrocities, forgetting the tragic side of the experiences, you discover his humor.
Older people, due to weakened cognitive abilities due to age, cannot appreciate humor to the same extent as young people. According to a 2013 literary review, Gil Green-gross says older people don't often appreciate humor as well as younger people. On the other hand, the decline in cognitive abilities reduces their ability to write jokes, a tough exercise that requires good frontal lobe exercise. This University of New Mexico professor publishes a study in which older people scored poorly on cognitive tests and had less humor.
Humor is used in therapy to get the individual to heal quickly. This is what Janet Gibson discovered through experiences with her team. During the experiment, it involved analyzing the subjects' results to determine their humor. Intermediate results showed that people who enjoyed humor focused more on the good things in their lives.
Humor therapy
Daily jokes and various funny words have immense therapeutic benefits. They make it possible to increase life expectancy, to resist cases of injustice, to express unacceptable emotions, to tell unmentionable truths, to relativize, to be less alarmed ... A joke which finds echo in the public is a real success. It is a moment of indescribable ecstasy. Using a combination of words and phrases, the joke of the day entertains the audience and reinforces the pride of the creator. He has managed to tame censorship, to go beyond the rules of logic. The feeling is even more vocal when one manages to relax a gloomy or depressing situation. In addition to a feeling of intense well-being that runs through the body, you find that you are smarter. Another benefit is that the individual who manages to make a crowd laugh conquers and gets his message across. It is for this reason that in the United States, business leaders and politicians most often start their speeches with funny stories.
Humor de-stresses and releases energies
Any dire situation can be turned into a source of humor. While an ash cloud made the European skies impractical, puns and short jokes, funny or not, emerged everywhere on the web and in discussions between friends. "I've always known that atomic clouds are less clever than volcanic clouds: they have the audacity to cross the borders of France" ... This version of humor shows us the cathartic side of jokes. One word and the tensions drop. Jewish jokes are the best portrayal of anti-depressive humor aimed at making fun that could bring us down. It is based on self-mockery, and leads us to laugh at the cruelty of life, of ourselves, by listing all the whining of the enemy: the Jews killed the son of God, think only of money, steal, are dirty.
Considering the central idea set out in Le Mot d´ esprit and its relations with the unconscious written by Freud, humor, as much as dreams, frees the deepest impulses, without however moving the conscience. It is a clean way of expression that is not
Some nice jokes
What does a rooster say to court a hen?
You have beautiful eggs, you know?
What is black and white and that bounces?
A penguin on a trampoline.
Monsieur and Madame Onlé have a daughter. What is her name ?
A geek is never bored ...
It File ...
What is the most generous animal?
The foal, because when there is one, there is another.
Two angels discuss: - What will the weather be like tomorrow?
Ah so much the better, we can sit down!
Melon and Melèche play billiards.
Melon arranges the balls and Melèche the tail.
Monsieur and Madame Rivatoutalure have a daughter. What is her name ?
Mr. and Mrs. Aipipihauli have a son. What's his name ?
Monsieur and Madame Hénaitte have a daughter.
What is her name ?
Left buttock to right buttock:
Have you seen the beautiful brunette who just passed by?
Monsieur and Madame Ahapeulé have a daughter.
What is her name ?
Mr. and Mrs. Timable have a daughter. What is her name ?
Why do men love women who wear leather?
Because it smells like a new car.
Doctor, I think I need glasses.
Certainly yes. This is a bank here.
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