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10 Hilarious jokes ever

1.    Foolish man


A man was going somewhere when he found a lamp on the way. There was a small chit on the lamp that read: "Insert this lamp and make your fortune shine." Below was written: "Please re-affix the chit and place the lamp there. I knew in that look that you were the fool who would carry the lamp.


  An artist created a masterpiece and showed the picture to his doctor friend and asked with great pride. "Tell me, how is it?" The doctor looked at the picture and said nervously. "Oh, it's very difficult to avoid because he has typhoid."

3.    Sandwiches



Sandwiches from a London bakery usually went to the Queen's Palace in Billingham. On the advice of friends, the baker set up a large sign on the shop that read, "Our Queen drinks in our sand with great relish." He also immediately put up an article board in his shop. "May Allah keep our Queen safe and sound.”

4.  An Amateur


Some people invited the amateur singer to their house. When the singer came home, he asked: "Which song should I sing?" One of them said: "Listen to anyone. We have to evacuate the house from the neighbors."

5.  The Lamp Of My Life Has Gone Out

A gentleman wrote on his wife's grave. "The lamp of my life has gone out." Shortly afterward, they remarried and wrote their handwriting on the tombstone. "But I lit the lamp again."

6.    Airports of Italy 

  A sign posted at an airport in Italy. "Please deal with kissing five minutes in advance so that flights can depart on time                                    

7.    A woman to her husband 

One woman told her husband. "After all, why did you tell your friends that you married me because I know how to cook the best food even though you know very well that I can't boil an egg?" The husband replied. "Brother, I had to tell them some reason to marry you."

8.    George Bernard Shaw to His Critic


For a few days in a row, a critic wrote a letter to George Bernard Shaw, sharply criticizing Barnard Shaw's writings. "I have the same opinion about your writings as you do, but against millions of readers, you and I can do the same."

9.    The King to His Servant 


The king said to his clown servant, "I dreamed last night that you were in dirty water and I was bathing in honey." The clown immediately replied: “me Lord! I also dreamed that you and I were licking you each other.

10.    Insane Asylum

While inspecting the insane asylum, Dr, entered a room and the nurse said: “Dr. This room is for the mentally ill who are automobile engineers and mechanics. ” The doctor asked in surprise: "But where have these people gone?" No one can be seen on the bed. ” The nurse replied: "Sir! "Everyone is under the bed and repairing cars."


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