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Unusual story



The family consists of many people. But every family is running on some mismanagement. This mismanagement is in the form of mother, sister, brother-in-law, or wife. Without it, there is no concept of a prosperous and organized family. The purpose of this introduction is to describe the role and importance of women in society.

If we analyze human relationships objectively, we will see women as living souls. Not only this, Iqbal has spoken of "color in the picture of the universe from the existence of woman". Hafeez Jalandhari said that the honor of the nations is due to the woman while he also tells the story of making a flag from the authorized scarf! I was sad without my mother and heaven looked golden.

Therefore, in return for this desire, Allah gave the man a permanent companion of the woman and after a short while he also ordered him to travel from the Garden of Paradise. Adam and Eve became infamous in vain. Everything happened according to the will of Yazdi. After coming to earth, the basis for Abel's murder was a woman, but did Cain himself not have a mind? But it must be admitted that the first female relationship was created by the wife.

After that, she got the status of a mother. A woman is responsible for taking care of herself, her home, her family, her children, and the rest of the family. Behind every successful and unsuccessful person, there must be a role of some woman. Women's attitudes take precedence in both the stability and deterioration of the family and society. So somewhere it is miss Management M and somewhere it is Mismanagement

However, it is a fact that management with more misses often suffers from mismanagement.

 Due to ignorance and lack of education in rural and backward areas, wives are exclusively assigned to formal and domestic chores. This is the most oppressed type of wife. Their husbands are often fifteen years older or younger. By the way, the husband is a virtual god

But in such societies, simple-minded wives call them "their slaves." Husband's wage and farm assistance, domestic help, domestic service to the husband's dozens of families, as well as protection of the husband's marital rights are his usual activities. Despite all these difficult circumstances, the child is endowed with natural abilities.

Therefore, before their physical age, they become weak and weak and go to the country of non-improvement. Due to overwork, the element of cleanliness is found less. They massage the head with desi ghee and wash the head with pure lassi. Which makes every corner of the house fragrant. Good clothes and shoes are also worn at weddings and funerals. Such wives do not tolerate the extra love of their husbands

t seems that there is no difference between husband and wife and determining the rate of marriage is a matter of life and death. They do not have the concept of personal life and privacy. Giving peace to Begum is no less than bringing a gambling lion.

In middle-class societies, wives are less aware of their rights.

Their eyes are always high. In the race of life, they are obsessed with surpassing others. Her husbands are often in debt. Mian takes special care of washing clothes with pockets. Their husbands are easily "down" but sometimes husbands have courage and perseverance. Most husbands are bald and mean. But somewhere the husband is seen playing the role of mother-in-law on Sundays.

There is also a high class or burger class in our society. In which husbands are placed under social and societal need. Political and social services, events, and parlors are prominent in their activities. Their husbands are able to ascend to the throne. Their favorite food is considered to be gram.

Such husbands are very good, obedient, rich and a little stupid


Employees' leave does not affect domestic affairs much. These wives often travel alone and celebrate their honeymoon alone as their husbands are unable to take time off due to their high positions. Multiple bills for electricity, phone, gas, and wife pay with patience and gratitude without bubbles. Such husbands are certainly in heaven, but death is a condition

The status of such husbands decreases overtime under the "End of Benefit Law". Recently, an Arab woman came up with an interesting logic that she sought a divorce from her husband for being overly loyal and cheerful. He said that he never fights with me and does not disagree with anything. Do the housework ahead of time. It's so good that because of its virtues the house has become hell and life has become miserable.

That is why it is said that good wives bother their husbands well and bad wives bother their husbands badly. Husbands of such wives seem to be killed by appearance. Women belonging to this category record protests against their father, brother, and husband on March 8 every year and even threaten to heat the food themselves. Such husbands often suffer from heart diseases.

Because Eve was created from Adam's rib, which is very close to the heart. In addition to aesthetic taste, women are also accused of having a taste for eloquence. The majority of women will not qualify for heaven.

As far as the in-laws are concerned, there are only two traditional instruments in the in-laws. The bride's strengths are seen through a telescope and her flaws are seen under a microscope. In-laws look for the bride's manners and charm. But it is not customary to consider one's claims. A few years later, the bride becomes a mother-in-law and repeats the history, so once again, the father-in-law, the father-in-law is seen.

Ask a man to spend a few days with his father-in-law or somewhere else, especially in a joint family. Banu Qudsia wrote well that a girl who does not celebrate Eid because she does not have clothes of her choice, spends her whole life with an unwanted person for the sake of her character.

It is true that sons share property and daughters share the misery. In our society, sometimes a woman is also considered as a shoe for the feet. But those who think like this have to consider themselves as feet. The crown is. Above all, men and women are each other's clothes. A woman's dress reflects a man's pride and a man's dress reflects a woman's sophistication.



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