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Fresh fish here

There was a small restaurant near the corner of the town's bazaar. On a black signboard above the door of the restaurant was written: Fresh fish is always available here and it was a fact that the fried fish here was famous all over the city.

Red and delicious and with potatoes on it. Three years ago, my Chinese friend Shen Fon and I used to go there every evening to eat fish. And after eating the fish, it was as if the angels had caught this fish from a canal in heaven and fried it on a stove in heaven.

It's been a while since I and my Chinese friend Shen Fon set out on a world tour. The other day, our plane accidentally came off the shores of the city of Shun Shun. Spiritual! Let's go to the market and eat fish from our old restaurant.



I liked his opinion very much. I jumped down from the wooden stairs of the plane and we both left for the market. When I went there, I did not see the signboard on which the fish was advertised. We were about to return disappointed when Shane Fon opened her nose, smelled the scent, and then pointed to a shop and said, "Spiritual!" Whether it's a fish shop or not, that's all there is to it. See how delicious it smells.

I looked up and saw that there was a simple blackboard in the shop but it did not have the name of the shop or the advertisement of fish, only a simple board but I had to enter the shop by smelling the smell of fish. When we went inside, our eyes were opened. Twenty people were sitting on small tables, eating fried fish and potatoes. Everyone's mouth was full of fish and their eyes were full of joy.

The old shopkeeper, who had spent his whole life contemplating the art of frying fish, came to us smiling and bowed to literature and said, "Bring me some fish?" My Chinese friend Shen Fon looked like a doll in her Chinese-style historical dress. Her eyes were also like dolls. She said eagerly, "Bring two plates."

But I was surprised and said to the shopkeeper, "Hi, why did you put out the name and advertisement of your shop and why you have put up a simple blackboard. There must be some mystery in it. He laughed like an old man." He said, "Sit down in front of the hot fish plates, then I will tell you my story."

China Phone immediately picked up his knife and fork in a snarling manner. And put a piece of fish in your mouth and say now ¿? The old cook began to tell the story with pleasure. Once a year ago, a long-haired soldier with a red mustache came here to eat. He liked my fish so much that he befriended me.

One day he said to me in a friendly tone. The secret of the development of the shop is in the advertisement. I have read your signboard very carefully and it is written on it. You can find fresh fish here all the time. I think the word here in this line is useless. Take it out.

Fresh fish is always available. On the third day, the same soldier came and said, "I've been meditating all night. The word 'fresh' in this line is also useless. Take it out too. So, on the third day, I also deleted the word 'fresh' and wrote 'excellent Fish is found all the time. On the fourth day, the same soldier came and said that the word "excellent" is also meaningless. So, I erased that word and wrote it down.

Fish is available all the time. On the fifth day, the soldier said, "I've been thinking all night. Every time a word sounds too bad." On it, I wrote, "I find a fish." On the sixth day, the soldier came again and said, "I found the word haunting me all night long. It is enough to just write fish."

So, on the sixth day, only fish was written on the board. On the seventh day, the same military friend came and said I have been meditating all night. I also dislike the word fish. You just put a simple board. The whole market smells of your fish. The one who has a runny nose will sniff the scent and reach your shop.

This made sense to me too, so I erased all the letters on the board and put a simple law board. Now people come more than before and eat fish with more enthusiasm. My friend and I laughed out loud at the old shopkeeper's intelligence and wiped our lips with a handkerchief and went to the port.


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