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Showing posts from July, 2020

New Jokes

The latest research in science says that the human humor has healing power. It is one of the best way that brings laughter on your faces. The physicians maintain that the laughter is better for cardiac health. The humor produced laughter strengthens the heart. So, one must seek help from laughter therapy for better mood and lowering stress. Stress is silent killer. One must kill this silent killer(stress) with natural medicine that is laughter.          Joke selection while finding jokes you prefer those you like. But as recommended you should always search new jokes. Because it is quite helpful to keeping you busy and finding new jokes that are best to share in groups. Apart from this, you should surf on internet to search for short jokes or try the other one  best-short-jokes.html . All this would help you find new jokes that would prove to be  mood turner for you and would bring laughter on your face to lower the stress. You must avoid reading or us...

6 Science-sponsored reasons for why laughter is the best medicine

Laughter is the best medicine to stay happy It is said that laughter is the best medicine for stress and tension. Humor is the only natural weapon that brings laughter on one's face. Since keeping this fact in view scientific research has been made which has come up with  six scientific based reasons for lowering stress or tension and in order to sty happy. Therefore , science has reached to the conclusion that the human humor has healing power that is why laughter is called the best medicine.  6 Science-sponsored reasons for why laughter is the best medicine   Consider the acronym H.U.M.M.E.R. (HUMOR)that will help you for your adventure to overcoming limitations and capability pitfalls. Parents and households are confronted with all sorts of pressure as we technique every other college 12 months at some stage in a pandemic. And new research display that Americans are the unhappiest they've been in almost 50 years. Consider the acronym H.U.M.M.E.R.(HUMOR) that will ...

Best short jokes

Best short jokes In certain busy times the people don't find too much time to share jokes or read them for themselves or to others to enjoy their company. Some people like to read some best short jokes to amuse their heart. So, I have tried to write certain best short jokes that can be enjoyed at times one likes.                                              Best short jokes Joke.1 “Listen,” the mom said to her little girl, “if you're behaving good you'll go to heaven, and if you're not behaving good you'll go to hell.” - "And what do I have to do to go to the circus?"    Joke.2 Julian asks his father for 10 euros. - What for? - To give to an old lady! - It's great to want to help her! And where is this old lady? - Over there, she sells ice cream! Joke.3 It’s the story of two potatoes. One of them gets run over and the other screams: - Oh m...

Can Artificial Intelligence Understand Human Humor ?

Can Artificial Intelligence Understand Human Humor ?   Can artificial intelligence understand human humor? According to Fei-Fei Li, professor in the computer science department at Stanford University and co director of Stanford’s Human-Centered AI Institute, the answer is not yet. “Today’s technology is not there yet,” she said during an online event organized by the Kibbutz Shefayim-based company Zebra Medical Vision on Tuesday. “What is humor? What kind of sentiment does it carry? Humor requires a deep and nuanced reasoning which is not a strength of current AI.” A former Google vice president and one of the world’s experts in the field of computer vision, Li, in the talk, highlighted how many Israeli researchers have impacted her over the course of her career. “I was very much looking forward to visiting Israel in person for this event, but the coronavirus has prevented me from doing so. It will need to happen in the future,” she said. In the lecture, the professor focused on di...