Best short jokes
In certain busy times the people don't find too much time to share jokes or read them for themselves or to others to enjoy their company. Some people like to read some best short jokes to amuse their heart. So, I have tried to write certain best short jokes that can be enjoyed at times one likes.
Best short jokes
“Listen,” the mom said to her little girl, “if you're behaving good you'll go to heaven, and if you're not behaving good you'll go to hell.”
- "And what do I have to do to go to the circus?"
Julian asks his father for 10 euros.
- What for?
- To give to an old lady!
- It's great to want to help her! And where is this old lady?
- Over there, she sells ice cream!
It’s the story of two potatoes.
One of them gets run over and the other screams:
- Oh mash!
What is. small, round, green, and who goes up and who goes down?
- A pea in an elevator.
At the Opera.
- Dad, why does the gentleman scare the lady with his stick?
- He doesn't want to scare her, he's the conductor.
- So why is the lady screaming?
I think it's true that TV can lead to violence, said Etienne.
- What makes you say that ? his boyfriend asks him.
- Well every time I light up my dad yells at me!
The teacher said to her pupil:
- “Jules! I told you to draw your favorite animal! And you didn't do anything! “
Jules answers:
- ”Yes, Madam! I drew my black cat in the middle of the night! "
A lemon mother says to her children:
- To live long, you should never be squeezed in a hurry!
A child goes with his father to the hospital to see his mother who has given birth. When they arrive, the child catches his eye on his little brother who has a bracelet round his hand.
The little one said to his father:
- "Dad! Dad ! They forgot to remove the price tag!!!
Psychoanalyst: What is wrong with your brother?
Sister: He thinks he's a chicken.
Psychoanalyst: And since when has he behaved like a chicken?
Sister: Three years now. We would have come sooner, but we needed his eggs ...
The teacher addresses his students:
- I'll give you back your math homework. It was a leaking faucet problem. Toto, you didn't answer anything but wrote down a phone number. Why ?
- It's my father's, sir, he's a plumber ...
At school, the teacher talks to Toto ...
- What is the sheep for?
- To give us the wool, teacher.
- What is the hen for?
- To give us eggs, teacher.
- What is the cow for?
- To give us homework, teacher.
Went to buy shoes, then first opened my shoes in the shop, sanitized the foot with a sanitizer.
Seeing all this, I swore that this year I will not go to buy underwear.
She went to office for the first time when the lock down opened. Within a few hours she started getting restless, having trouble breathing. She felt it was the confirmed corona. Immediately called her husband. Both of them reached home with panic. After some time, her condition improved and breathing also started to ease.
Both did not understand what happened to her. When both of them thought a lot, then suddenly a lightning flashed and they got the answer…
She wore a bra for the first time today after 3 months!
Inflation has broken the back of common man.
Where the poor are getting disillusioned with lentils,
At the same time, the rising price of onions has brought tears to their eyes without cutting.
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