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Funniest clean joke ever

Funniest clean joke ever

Joke .1

During a sermon:
While giving sermons, who is a male in this life, he will be a male in the next life as well, and a woman who is a female in this life, she will be a woman in the next life as well, so an old lady started getting up….
Saint: Where are you going? 
Old lady: When bread is to be made in the next life also, what is the use of listening to sermon?


I don't like two girls
 Not talking to me  
but talking to other boys


Doctor - What is your illness?
Patients - First you promise you won't laugh
Doctor - OK… Promise… The patient showed her legs which were as thin as sugarcane…. Seeing the doctor laughed…  
Patient - You promised not to laugh
Doctor - Well sorry… Tell me now
Patients - Doctor sir, it is swollen
Doctor - hahahaha… run away… you have come to laugh


A train was to leave from Pindi towards Amritsar… .. All the coaches were packed at nine o’clock ……
Anjum also climbed up but could not find even a place to sit. So he put an idea and started shouting "Snake, snake, snake," ...
People went out in other compartments with the goods out of fear… ..
He lay in bed on the seat above the chic, was exhausted for a day, then fell asleep fast… ..
In the morning, at the sound of "chai, chai", he woke up and asked the tea person which station had come?
So the Tea-boy said, "Pindi" is… ..
Then asked, "Pindi" went at night? "
tea-man said, “A snake had come out in this box… so this box was cut here… ..


No girl will pay attention to the boy and the boy to the girl.
This time just to avoid Corona ,mr corona will chant the name of Christ.


Knight made pillow teddy
Poor friend to Dey.
This is how the trend of love continued
So one day Teddy will become husband.


Boyfriend repeatedly served girlfriend with chocolate
 chocolate feeding made her so sweet
That girlfriend come on Valentine's Day
Taking sugar only.


Happy boy went to propose
But his  sweet- heart was used to suppress laughter from the lips.
Poor stared crying because
Her broken teeth were shown at the time of the proposal.


Namkeen (female) - always difficult to handle. It is always scattered.
Jalebi (female) - will break. But it will not be straight.
Kachori (female) - Always puffed mouth.
Sweet - In appearance, the risk of sugar on sweet is the highest.
Girl - now named Female. All the acts of mail have started doing this. Should be added to the list of blackmail soon.


Journalist -Mr Donald Trump, you have done all religions for voting. There is no such religion left
That you would like to practice
 Mr Donal Trum- I would like to practice menstruation to give a good message to women voters.


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