Joke Of The Day
The American: Do you French people eat all the bread?
French (in a bad mood): Yes.
The American (after making a big bubble with his gum): We in America, we just eat the inside. The crust, we put it in containers, we recycle by making croissants and we sell them to the French.
The American has a small smile on his face, the French listens in silence.
The American persists: Do you eat the jam with the bread?
French: Yes.
The American (a big bubble bursts on his face and with a skillful lick, he swallows his chewing gum and continues to chew ...): We don't, in America, we eat fresh fruit for breakfast. And we put the peels, seeds and leftovers in a container, we recycle them by making jam and we sell it to the French.
The French then asks: Do you have sex in America?
The American: Yeah sure, very often he says with a big smile.
French: And what do you do with the used condoms?
American: Well like everyone else, we throw them out.
French: Not us, once used, we recycle them in containers, we make chewing gum and we sell it to Americans ...
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